
MHM / Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.
Gertrudenstr. 8
48149 Münster

Phone +49 (0)172 – 9544243 or +49 (0)170 4400411

Overall responsibility

The German non-profit association Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V. works on a donation basis and creates the legal and financial basis for Tanja Hock’s work on site in Madagascar.

Seat of the association:
MHM Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.
Gertrudenstr. 8 – D-48149 Münster, Germany

Authorized representative board
Dr. Martin Führing, 1. board of directors

Register court / Register number
Amtsgericht Münster / VR 6085

Gläubiger-Identifikation DE64ZZZ00000164008
Tax number 204/109/914636

Statutes of the association
Contribution rules

Dr. Martin Führing, Germany
Tanja Hock, Madagascar

Copyright, Liability

The information/content offered and presented on these Internet pages may not be stored, copied or passed on, either in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.. The graphics, drawings and photos used on the Internet pages are subject to the copyright of Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V. Despite all efforts to ensure consistency, completeness and accuracy of the information presented, Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V. does not assume any liability for the content of these Internet pages.

These Internet pages may contain so-called hyperlinks (references) to other Internet pages and services that are not operated by Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.. Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V. is in no way responsible or liable for the content of these linked pages.

Photos: Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V.

Design, Realization & Programming

Lublinring 12 | 48147 Münster
Tel: 0251-287 299 59 |