
Obstetric hospital

In order to be able to help quickly and effectively in an emergency, adequately equipped premises are required.

In our obstetrics hospital, an annex to the existing infirmary, patients can be admitted and treated as inpatients. We take care of problems during pregnancy as well as after birth, which affect mother and/or newborn. Caesarean sections and emergency treatments are performed together with local and international medical teams in good quality.

The hospital will also serve as a medical training center where local midwives and doctors will receive advanced training and medical assistants will be trained to improve the quality of medical care, especially obstetrics, throughout the country.

Obstetrics is in the hands of midwives, and women usually give birth on an outpatient basis. Again and again, premature or malnourished children come to us, requiring hospitalization of both mother and child. We also have the possibility to accommodate women after severe births and complications.

On the upper floor are the rest rooms for the 24-hour staff, the storage rooms and the large teaching area with a medical library.


Midwife mobile

Since fall 2009, we have been operating the midwife mobile – our first project on Madgaskar! We started this work to help reduce the number of newborns discarded in the trash in the future – a common problem until now. It makes us happy that since the start of the midwife mobile all our women have kept their babies.

Our midwife mobile “Sage-femme mobile” was created from a disused bank mobile, which we brought from Germany to Madagascar – loaded with relief supplies.

Four evenings a week, we (a midwife, a general practitioner, a children’s services worker and a driver) work at fixed locations in the streets of the capital, Antananarivo. In this way, we provide the necessary medical care to the women and children who set up their meager night camps in store entrances and other shelters. In addition to medical assistance, it is important that the people who live on the fringes of society in this way have someone to talk to. We come to where the people are at home and listen to their needs.

Since the fall of 2012, our midwife mobile also travels almost every week to various bush villages outside the capital, which otherwise have no access to medical care within a radius of about 20 km. During the two-day missions, we can provide medical care to about 100 patients each time.

The good news is that after a short time, those we care for come less often because they are healthier!
